Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Slowly Gathering Power

There is a figurative saying that the New Year is a blank slate; Tabula Rosa-an absence of preconceived ideas or predetermined goals. The first few days of the New Year always feel a bit luminous to me-reflecting light but of no real substance. They sort of just sit there and glow until they settle into a normal routine. This year has felt anything like routine, owing in large part, to our new unpredictable Presidential Administration. I think we're all feeling more than a little off balance. At least I do. Try as I might, meditation and mindfulness keep being interrupted by an insidious anxiety that seeps into my consciousness whenever I seek calm.

This is not who I am, and to be rather truthful, I resent this outside influence intruding upon my peace of mind. Days like this I double down on my esoteric and spiritual pursuits to remind me of my power. According to Native American wisdom keepers,we all have this power as a birthright. But there are times-like these- when we forget who we are.

And sometimes, that calls for a little (or a lot) of magick.

Many years ago I dedicated myself to this spiritual path at Imbolc; Brid is my patron. Brid the Poet, Brid the Smith, Brid the Healer: writer,creative force, seeker of mending that which needs repair and renewal-  I am all of these and more. I have to remind myself of this as I fight to steer my spiritual boat away from the rocks we seem to be heading for in the last few weeks. To do this, I have had to return to the Place of Deep Indwelling. Digging deep into the Earth to be planted and gathering the energy to push back up to the goal of rebirth takes time and patience and energy. Spring is coming!
I am just blooming a little late this year-but I know the result will be worth the delay.

Here the Mountain Ash (Rowan) have begun to set bud; the greening of all things a sure sign of what is to be pushing back against the cold and hibernation of Winter. There is a season to lie quiet and regenerate, and a season to put forth and blossom, and that season is coming, both in Nature and in our current political situation. If we are minding our own garden,tending our seeds of change, then we are gathering energy day by day. This energy is quietly building until it is needed, but until then...
sometimes patience is its own reward.

Meanwhile, self-shielding and warding are a good place to start. Rosemary makes a potent protector either burned as an incense or used to smudge. Focus on inner peace and mindfulness for the days to come. Pay attention to what is taking place in the World and the impact of decisions our politicians are making. Listen beyond the words being said for the Truth of what is coming. And remember-our personal power, our magick, our Craft- will sustain us through this time.

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