Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blessed Lunar Eclipse

The One Power that moves the Moon     
Moves through you.
The Power that lights the Sun
Lights your life.
It is female and it is male,
It is clouds and rain,
It lives in the damp earth,
In root and in bud.
It moves the wind.
It is all life, born and unborn,
On this plane and in the next,
Visible and Invisible,
In planet and star.
It is Infinite, it blesses and protects,
Heals and creates;
It moves forwards and backwards in Time,
Through all of Space -
In this life and in myriad others yet to come
And in the past as well.
This Power is yours,
As it is mine;
It is Goddess and it is God.
Use it for the good of all,
And according to the free will of all,
With ease and with joy -
To bless your life.
And so mote it be.
—excerpt from Positive Magic: Occult Self-Help by Marion Weinstein

I couldn't have said this better than Marion did. Brightest Blessings tonight, Dear Sprint,and rest in peace wherever you are...we'll see you in the moon. 


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